Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yoga Series Part 3: Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga, also known as power yoga, is a much more intense form of yoga. This kind of yoga session gives you a work out. This style is not recommended until you are very comfortable with the poses.

Ashtanga yoga is similar to Vinyasa Yoga. The most obvious difference is the series of poses never changes. Typically a series stars with 10 sun salutations and then moves to standing poses, such as mountain pose. Once you complete the standing poses, you will move into back bending poses; depending on your skill level. To finish your practice, you will do several inverted poses.

Ashtanga yoga in the West is taught differently. In the West, classes are devoted to a particular series and guided by an instructor. Traditional classes are supervised self practice, where you move through each series at your own pace.

Ashtanga yoga cleanses and purifies the body. The intenseness of the practice causes the body to sweat and therefore removes toxins. The inversions help to purify the body. Ashtanga yoga also includes the benefit of increasing flexibility; and strength in the tendons and hard tissues.

Ashtanga yoga is said to have origins in an ancient text; the Yoga Korunta. This text is thought to have influenced several modern yoga teachers, such as B.K.S. Iyengar. This style of yoga is much more mantra oriented and also utilizes drishtis, or focused gaze.

Ashtanga yoga is an excellent choice for those wanting to further their knowledge, skill level, and understanding of ones self.