Thursday, October 15, 2009

Styles of Yoga Series

Styles of Yoga Series- Part One: Hatha Yoga

Yoga is fast becoming a mainstay in maintaining good physical health and it is hard not to be persuaded to try it. But with so many styles and variations out there, how does one choose the right style? In this series, we’ll explore first the traditional styles of yoga and then the more contemporary variations that have come about in the last century.

Lets start with the most traditional style: hatha yoga or flow yoga. Hatha yoga is a general practice that focuses on slow, gentle movements linking breath with movement of the body. Most beginning yoga classes are hatha yoga. Unless a class is specified, such as vinyasa yoga, it is generally safe to assume that you are taking a hatha yoga class.

Hatha yoga is often very slow paced and each pose is held for several seconds, often a minute at a time. Breathing, meditation, and proper stretching and alignment are also emphasized in hatha yoga. This practice is ideal for any skill level, those wanting to reduce stress levels in the body and mind, and those with arthritis, chronic pain or injury.

Hatha yoga is a great place to learn each basic pose, like child’s pose or downward-facing dog. Hatha yoga also teaches proper breathing technique and meditation. Most people can learn these poses easily and even become comfortable enough to practice yoga at home.

So if you are a newcomer to yoga, or an old friend looking to rekindle a bond, hatha yoga is a great place to start.

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